Easy as one, two, three

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is this course going to take place?

Online, following enrollment on the course website. Some courses will be taught on-site, but they will also be recorded online. This information will be shared at the start of the new course.

How do I join this course?

If you are on the "courses" page. You can enroll in the course. Once you are enrolled, you can take the lessons online and continue them whenever you log in.

How do I register?

Same as above

What time do I have to come online to attend the class?

All the courses are online available. You can attend the course whenever you have time.
For ongoing courses, it will be communicated on which day new lessons will be put online.

How many weeks is each Course?

This depends on the type of course you have enrolled for. Some are divided in multiple parts. Others are only a few weeks long.

How do I write the tests & exams?

Exams, Quizes and Tests are taken in the course. They are online. Some are graded Exams on which you will have to wait until the teacher had been through your answers online. After this you will recieve your graded Exams.
Quizes and Test are provided with feedback.

What if I am late in submitting the test due to some unavoidable circumstances?

Once Course is paid for. There is no late submission. You can take tests and Quizes online without any issues. The teacher of the Course will be notified if he needs to grade your Exams or Test.

How does one get a Certificate?

Most of our courses provide a Certificate of completion. This is downloadable after completing it.

Can I join the Course now that the course has started and is in the middle of it?

As mentioned before. The courses are online. All the content is available after being enrolled. You can catch up to a course if you would like but it depends on yourself and how driven you are.