Do not doubt anymore!

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Frequently asked questions
Seeking Refuge in the Words of Allah
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
The Prophetic narration in question is as follows:
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates saying, “A man came to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I was stung by a scorpion last night.” The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “If only you said when night entered “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil He has created” it would not have harmed you.” [Muslim]
Imam Munawi (Allah be pleased with him) explains the meaning of the ‘perfect words of Allah’ in the following ways:
1) The perfect words of Allah means the ‘perfect words of Allah’s knowledge and wisdom.’ The knowledge and wisdom of Allah Most High are of His attributes.
2) The perfect words of Allah refers to the seven necessary attributes of Allah such as life, knowledge, power, volition, etc… These attributes are also called the ‘Keys of the Unseen’ that are referenced in the Quran.
[Munawi, Faid al-Qadir]
How Can I Overcome Waswasa About Me Being a Disbeliever?
Thank you for your important question.
You are definitely a believer, and you should just ignore these thoughts.
If you honestly cannot get over these thoughts, I would advise going to a doctor. What you have is termed scrupulosity.
May Allah cure you and help you.
I pray this helps.
Is It Disbelief (Kufr) to Delay Someone from Accepting Islam?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
There is a clear difference between making sure someone is ready to commit to Islam and unnecessarily telling them to wait to become Muslim.
In the former case, if one voluntarily wants to embrace Islam, they should immediately be told about the core beliefs of Islam and persuaded to say the testification of faith.
If someone did not act in that manner and told them to take their time, it is not considered disbelief. It is definitely not the appropriate action to take. This is because, from experience, there is a window of time that opens for people where they are inclined to become Muslim. However, this window doesn’t always remain open.
My advice would be to start up with your friend about reconsidering becoming Muslim.
Is There Hope for Me as I Am an Unsure Convert?
Thank you for your question. I empathize with your frustration, apprehension, and confusion, and I pray that you overcome these feelings and be convinced that you have joined the correct, the last, the most complete, and perfect religion on Earth.
What Should I Do If a Christian Man Starts Praying for Me?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
It is not an obligation for you to stop the Christian man from praying for you. He has been given by Allah Most High a choice to worship who and how he wishes. It is not permissible for us to stop someone from performing an act of worship even if they are not Muslim.
As Muslims, we obviously don’t believe that praying to other than Allah Most High will bring any avail.
What to do in time of stress?
Will Allah Forgive Me for Being Angry at My Family for Their Bad Treatment of Me?
Thank you for your question. I empathize with your frustration, and I pray that you find a way to better communicate with your parents.
Can I Pray to Remove My Ex-Husband From Our Lives?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to what pleases Him. Amin.
I understand that you are facing complex and emotionally challenging situations. Let us address each of your concerns from an Islamic perspective:
At What Age Should We Make Sure That Our Kids Wear Modest Clothes?
A child who is trained to think that wearing sleeveless shirts and short clothing in public is normal is not going to be encouraged or motivated to wear hijab by 10 years old. Note that a 9-year-old girl may begin menstruating at any time and it is obligatory for the parents to teach her all the rules of menstruation by the time she is nine, so how can it be when they won’t teach her the basics of dressing as a Muslimah?
At this point, she should also be praying five times a day, so it must be made a habit to leave the home in clothing that she can pray in, and if she is not wearing a hijab yet, she should be carrying it.
Who Has the Right to Name the Newborn?
Thank you for your important question.
May Allah reward you for your important question, and may He bless you god-fearing children with beautiful and inspiring.
The right of naming of the child is that of the father. (Nihayat al-Muhtaj, Ramli; Minah al Jalil, Illish; al Insaf, Mardawi)
This is because the father is the default guardian. Custody/Guardianship would then go to the mother, so she would be next in line. (Nihayat al-Muhtaj, Ramli) The child’s father’s mother would only become the guardian in very rare circumstances.
There is of course a difference between exercising one’s God-given right, and being considerate and inclusive. One may well find that letting the mother-in-law name the child would build a connection between the two that could never have been established otherwise. I speak from a similar experience.
I pray this helps.
Aren’t the Children, Boys and Girls, Supposed to Be Treated Equally?
The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Treat your children fairly, treat your children fairly.” [Nasa’i]
It was narrated from Nu’man that his father brought him to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to bear witness to a present that he gave to him. He said: “Have you given all your children a present like that which you have given to him?” He said: ‘No.’ He said: ‘I will not bear witness to anything. Will it not please you if they were all to treat you with equal respect?’ He said: ‘Of course.’ He said: ‘Then no (I will not do it).’” [Nasa’i]
Differences of Opinion amongst Scholars
n the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
The difference of opinion of the scholars is part and parcel of the guidance Allah Most High has sent us through the beloved Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace).
The intentional ambiguity of the Quran and the breadth of expression used by the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) lead to a vast array of valid and authentic understandings in various areas of the religion.
Know that the main aspects of Islam are agreed upon across the board as they apply to everyone in every place and time.
However, the remaining areas are circumstantial and may change according to people’s circumstances, thus Allah Most High and His Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace) gave us principles through which the appropriate guidance can be derived.
The derivation of guidance from these principles is the role of the scholars and muftis and is the bedrock of the four schools of legal interpretation (madhab): the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali schools of thought.
It is this difference of opinion that the scholars referred to as a ‘Mercy.’ [Khadimi, Sharh al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya]
Is it Permissible to Read a Book Written by a Satanist?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.
If you come to know that a particular book has been written by such, then avoid reading and studying from it. Look for an alternative book on the subject. However, we are also connected with many of the above things; there is nothing wrong with reading books on them for educational reasons to help us understand the world around us. We can read to the extent of necessity.
The ruling is based on “Necessity allows the bare minimum.” and “Necessity (darura) declares the impermissible, permissible.” [Zarqa; Sharh al Qawa’id al Fiqhiyya]
I would like you to go through the valuable answers and links below. You will receive guidance and direction, in sha’ Allah.
Can I Teach Worldly Subjects Without Having Formally Learned About Them?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to what is pleasing to Him. Amin.
It is not strictly prohibited in sacred law to convey matters of worldly knowledge to others if there is general benefit therein. Sacred Knowledge, however, should only be conveyed from sound sources and formal learning with Scholars.
Allah says: “Say, “My Lord has only forbidden open and secret indecencies, sinfulness, unjust aggression, associating ˹others˺ with Allah ˹in worship˺—a practice He has never authorized—and attributing to Allah what you do not know.” [Quran, 7:33]
Should We Conduct Mixed Classes at Our Islamic School?
Thank you for your question. May Allah reward you all for your home-schooling efforts, I pray that Allah gives success to all the children in this world and the next.
Is It Mandatory to Learn the Quran in Arabic?
It is obligatory to learn to recite the Quran in Arabic to the extent that one can perform the obligatory acts of the prayer, and it is necessary to the extent that one can perform the necessary acts of the prayer.
This would entail the following:
a) the obligatory (fard) level – learning at least three verses or one long verse equivalent in length to three verses.
b) the necessary (wajib) level – learning at least Sura al-Fatiha and any other Sura
Will the Antichrist Be Followed by Jews, Iranians, and Turkic Tribes?
Thank you very much for your question.
No true believer, whether no matter whether they are of Jewish, Iranian, Turkic descent, or any other race, will follow the Antichrist. No one is damned because of their heritage, and there are and have always been many Jewish Muslims, Iranian Muslims, and Turkic Muslims.
We all have free will, and will have to answer for what we do, and whom we follow.
What Does It Mean to Shun Another Muslim?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “It is not permissible for a person to shun their brother more than three nights, such that they meet and each one turns their back on the other. The better of the two is he who initiates the greeting of Salam.” [Bukhari; Muslim]
In this blessed narration, we see an indication of what shunning entails: each turns away from the other when they meet.
What Does the Prophetic Narration “Only Four Women Have Reached Perfection” Mean?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
There are a few narrations of this hadith. The most authentic of these narrations is the narration of Sahih al-Bukhari:
“Many men have reached a state of perfection, but amongst the women, only Maryam, the daughter of ‘Imran, and Asiya, the wife of the Pharoah, have attained perfection.” [Bukhari]
Regarding this narration, the scholars have mentioned a few interpretations:
Only these specific women have reached perfection in each of their specific time periods.
Only these specific women out of the previous nations have reached perfection.
It is a metaphor signifying that it is less frequent due to the Prophets and Caliphs being men.
These two women are Prophets of Allah (this is a minority opinion; most scholars disagreed with this). [Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari Sharh al-Bukhari]
In response to this final point, some scholars used this narration as proof that Maryam and Asiya were Prophets of Allah and that this narration refers to Prophethood.
This means that many men were given Prophethood, whereas (in this opinion) only a few women were given Prophethood. Even though this is a minority opinion, it is indeed interesting.
How Do We Reconcile the Two Hadith of Embryology?
Hadith of Bukhari on the Stages of a Fetus
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud narrates from Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace), the true and truly inspired said, “(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood (alaqa) for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh (mudga) for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then, the soul is breathed into him. So, a man amongst you may do (good deeds till there is only a cubit between him and Paradise, and then what has been written for him decides his behavior, and he starts doing (evil) deeds characteristic of the people of the (Hell) Fire. And similarly, a man amongst you may do (evil) deeds till there is only a cubit between him and the (Hell) Fire, and then what has been written for him decides his behavior, and he starts doing deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise.” [Bukhari]
Hadith of Muslim on the Stages of a Fetus
A new branch of medical science, embryology, which studies the embryo’s development in the mother’s womb, has advanced dramatically in the last few years. Now, it has become possible for embryologists and specialists to picture the embryo inside its mother’s womb and trace the different stages of its growth. There are pictures of embryos in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks of growth. But what concerns us here is the picture of the embryo at the beginning of its sixth week of growth in its mother’s womb. What can we see?
We can see the nose fused with the mouth and eye. The hand looks like a tiny oar, and the head looks fused with the body. This is how the embryo looks at the beginning of the sixth week of growth. But as soon as the sixth week is over, the head stems off the body, features of the eyes show clearly, and so do features of the nose, mouth, arms, and legs. This is how the embryo looks at the end of the sixth week of growth. If we multiply six (the number of weeks) by seven (the number of days of each week), we get the number (42), which represents the age of the embryo in days after its sixth week of growth.
In this context, Ibn Mas’ud, the venerable Companion, quoted Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) as saying,
“When the semen (i.e., fertilized ovule) is forty-two days old, Allah sends to it an angel that gives it its (due) form, makes its hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and bones. Then, it (the angel) says, ‘O Lord! A male or a female?’ Your Lord decrees what He pleases, and the angel writes down (what the Lord decrees). Then, it (the angel) says, ‘O Lord! (What about) its age?’ Your Lord decrees what He pleases, and the angel writes down (what the Lord decrees). Then, it (the angel) says, ‘O Lord! (What about) its sustenance?’ Your Lord decrees what He pleases, and the angel writes down (what the Lord decrees). Then, the angel comes out with the Scroll in its (the angel’s) hand, adding nothing (to the Scroll) and omitting nothing (from it).”
[Muslim, Tabarani, Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir, Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra]
Notice the obvious conformity between the above-mentioned authentic Prophetic Hadith and the modern science of embryology, particularly pictures of the embryo at the end of its sixth week of growth in its mother’s womb. In this context, Allah Most High says, “Nor does he (Muhammad) speak out of (his own) desire. It is indeed a Revelation revealed.” [Quran, 53: 3,4]
Would Sins Prevent the Acceptance of Deeds?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to what pleases Him. Amin.
Yes, various sins may prevent one’s good deeds from being accepted, while others may deprive one of forgiveness and blessings. Some hadiths specify occasions and blessings from which the perpetrators may be deprived, such as the polytheist and the harborer of ill feelings on the night of the middle of Sha‘ban.
Halal and Haram
Is It Permissible to Build a Time Travel Machine?
I pray you are well.
As it stands, it’s not possible for human beings to travel back in time, so pondering such questions isn’t really relevant. It’s better to focus on something that will benefit one in this life or the next.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) encouraged this when he said, “Leaving what does not concern one is from the beauty of a person’s (practice of) Islam.” [Tirmidhi]
If at some point it becomes possible – which is extremely unlikely – it would not be permissible to meddle with any events as Allah has made things happen as they did with a supreme wisdom. Things happen as they are meant to happen, and it’s the best way, because Allah knows more than us.
What Type of Yeast is Impermissible?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.
Yeast is generally permissible due to necessity and public predicament as it is widely used in the food industry, except for Brewer’s yeast. If Brewer’s yeast is sourced from plants, then it is permissible. If it is sourced from alcohol, then there is a difference of opinion among Muftis on whether chemical transformation (Tabdil al-Mahiyya) has occurred. Some allow it due to chemical transformation, necessity, and public predicament as it is widely used in the food industry. Some say research still needs to take place. See the links below.
Can I Stay Single and Live in Solitude?
It is not obligatory to get married, it is sunna. It is also not obligatory to live with someone, you may live alone, as long as you are safe, though there is an element of dislike to it. That being said, protecting yourself from abuse is necessary. I pray that you weigh your decision carefully, and use your time, youth and health to seek correct Islamic knowledge and apply it in your life in devotion, worship, and spreading that knowledge.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Those in solitude have raced ahead, who are absorbed in the remembrance of Allah. Remembrance has lifted their burdens and they will come on the Day of Resurrection weightless.” [Tirmidhi]
When I Buy Food, Am I Obliged to Check the Ingredients?
Thank you for your important question.
All food and objects are assumed to be pure until proven otherwise, and there is no obligation to check unless it is meat. (Fath al Muin, Millibari)
The Prophet said, ‘Leave that about which are in doubt for that about which you are not in doubt.’ (Tirmidhi)
This hadith tells us that we should assume that all food and objects are pure because that it default about which we are certain.
So too, it tells us that we should not eat any meat until we are confident that it is halal because the default about which we are certain is that it is a dead animal, and dead animals are filthy.
As long as one does not go to extremes, it still might be good to double check ingredients.
I pray this helps.
Is it Haram to Learn About Other Muslim’s Sins?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.
One should not read about historical figures just to learn about their sins and cruelty. Esteemed scholars say if one is reading about history, one should read about their life to learn about the overall history to gain benefit from it and take moral lessons. In this case, it will not be backbiting.
We, as an Umma lack reading about our history, even the history of the native country we live in or of our forefathers, thus, we misunderstand the context and issues of the native land and of our forefathers.
I would like you to go through the valuable answers and links below. You will receive guidance and direction in sha Allah.
Marriage and Divorce
How Should a Husband Take His Wife Back after Divorce?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to what pleases Him. Amin.
Please consult the local scholars who are best equipped to explain the apparent additional requirements of Ruju‘ (Taking Back One’s Wife After Divorce). Here are the requirements according to the Shafi‘i School.
Taking Back One’s Wife After Divorce (Raj‘a)
Raj’a refers to a woman’s return during her waiting period to the state of marriage after an unfinalised, non-threefold divorce. Here are some key points:
If a husband pronounces one or two divorces after sexual intercourse, he can take her back before the end of her waiting period, whether she wishes to return or not.
If either the husband or wife dies during the waiting period, the spouse inherits the obligatory share from the deceased’s estate division. Still, sexual relations are not permitted until taking her back.
If the divorce occurs before the husband has consummated the marriage or was done through compensation, he cannot take her back without remarrying her.
The return to marriage is valid by explicitly stating it, such as saying, “I return her” or “I take her back.” Witness attestation is not necessary but is recommended.
When a husband takes his wife back, she retains the number of divorce pronouncements remaining for a threefold divorce.
If a husband pronounces a threefold divorce, he cannot remarry her until she marries another valid husband, and they consummate the marriage. [Misri, ‘Umdat al-Salik & Keller, Reliance of the Traveller]
May Allah guide us on the path of righteousness and understanding.
I pray this is of benefit and that Allah guides us all.
[Shaykh] Irshaad Sedick
How Do I Respond to Silent Treatment from My Husband?
The bottom line is that you must teach your husband how to communicate. He should be able to tell you what he is upset about and if he doesn’t know how to do it, let him learn it from you.
Write him a letter when he is angry with you or a text message, but never in anger. Propose a few solutions to your disagreement and ask him which solution he likes best. He will eventually respond when he starts speaking again. Keep some lines of communication open even when he is angry and tell him that you would like to come up with a plan to work on it. Just outline it and show it to him so that he doesn’t brush it under the rug. Men need something they can look at or read in summary, instead of long discussions.
Also, during a fight, try not to yell or be angry. Smile and respond to his request or wish and say that you will try to improve. It’s too stressful and difficult to fight all the time and if you find you can’t smile, just stay silent and tell him how you feel the next day. Try to avoid a fight at the moment because of the unseemly consequences and lead him into a discussion.
Can I Get Married If My Father Will Provide For Me And My Wife?
Thank you for your question. It is praiseworthy that you are thinking of marriage at a young age so that you don’t succumb to the trials and tests that a young man must face in this world. It would complete half of your religion and give you the focus you need for your studies.
Please see this answer on how to approach getting married and how to get ready for it.
I also urge you to complete this free marriage course at Seekers so that you can know your rights and responsibilities before entering into a big contract with someone.
Does an Ex-Husband Have to Give Financial Support to Maintain His Children?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.
Yes, the basis is that the father is responsible for the financial support (nafaqa) of his children. This will count as a debt.
Allah Most High says, “and Clothing and maintenance must be borne by the father in a fair manner. ” [Quran, 2:233]
Should One Think About Placing Conditions Before Marriage?
n the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question. It seems you are anxious about marriage. One can, however, don’t over worry.
It’s best not to dwell on potential issues and worries about your future. Instead, trust that when the time comes, everything will work out fine. To prepare for marriage, seek guidance from Allah Most High, consult your parents, perform Istikhara, and educate yourself through a marriage course and extensive reading. Once you are engaged, encourage your fiancé to do the same so that you both can refer to the course and readings and follow the same marriage guidance path. In sha Allah, you will be well-prepared for a successful marriage.
Work on yourself spiritually, emotionally, etc., and build a relationship with Allah Most High. Try to be one whom the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) envisaged a woman to be. Continue to pray to Allah Most High that you are chosen due to it.
Who Will Take Care of My Parents If I Marry?
Thank you for your question. Please don’t think that you should not get married. Giving up your right to marry would make your parents more miserable because you would not have a family of your own.
Also, marriage completes your religion and you would be denying yourself your right to fulfill your desires which can eventually consume a person.
What Are My Duties as the Eldest Son as I Don’t Have a Father?
‘Abdullah ibn’ Umar said that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock. The ruler who is in charge of the people is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock. A woman is the shepherd of her husband’s household and is responsible for her flock. A servant is the shepherd of his master’s wealth and is responsible for his flock. Each of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.” [Bukhari; Muslim]
The eldest son should play a larger role in being responsible for the family if the father is not there and should guide them however he can. Of course, the mother is responsible as well. If he does his best to teach them, commands the right, and forbids the wrong, he will be rewarded and is not ultimately responsible for their actions. If you can guide them gradually, with knowledge, wisdom, and gentleness, you are bound to have the best results.
Allah Most High said in the Quran, “(…) and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another.” [Quran, 6:164] Also, consider the sons of Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut (Allah bless them and give them peace).
Can My Parents Visit My Home Where I Live in a Joint Family?
Thank you for your question. May Allah reward you for wanting to protect your parents from bad character, but I urge you to behave normally with your parents and invite them over and not allow abnormal circumstances in your life.
Was I Sinful for Hiding from My Mom That I’m Studying Islamic Subjects?
Thank you for your question. I empathize with your desire to learn your religion and the struggle that you face to hide it from your parents.
Was I Showing Off for Not Answering My Parent’s Question?
What you did is permissible, and I don’t see how it would amount to showing off. You didn’t want to expose your sin, which is obligatory, and you didn’t want to show that you were repenting, which could have been showing off if you told them. I believe that what you did was fine. In the future, you could say that you are praying to get closer to Allah and it might make them feel better. Keep up the habit of praying for repentance, by Allah’s grace, it will bring you tremendous goodness.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Allah, the Exalted, will continue to stretch out His Hand in the night so that the sinners of the day may repent, and continue to stretch His Hand in the daytime so that the sinners of the night may repent until the sun rises from the west.” [Muslim]
Should I Seek Forgiveness for Backbiting If It Will Worsen Relations?
The first step after backbiting or slandering someone is to seek Allah’s forgiveness, and as a further step, to pinpoint what causes one to slander and try to eliminate those triggers from one’s life. One may also pray Salat al-Tawba. I am sure that Allah will accept your sincere repentance.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “One who repents from sin is like someone without sin.” [Ibn Maja]
What Is the True Meaning of “La Ilaha Ill Allah”?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
The statement “La ilaha ill Allah” is the most comprehensive statement in Islam; in fact, it is the most comprehensive statement period.
Imam Abdur Rahman BalFaqih explained that the statement “La ilaha ill Allah Muhammad Rasulullah” encompasses the entirety of the religion of Islam. The Quran itself is merely a commentary of this comprehensive statement. [BalFaqih, Fath Basa’ir al-Ikhwan]
For this reason, the statement “La ilaha ill Allah Muhammad Rasulullah” is written on all corners of the Divine throne.
How Can I Overcome My Morning and Evening Ups and Downs?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.
No one can, in a complete sense, overcome their ego and self (nafs) except the very few; what we can do is incline it towards good, make it realize that when a thought enters, one intends to sin, we know what steps to take, and we take it.
Your anxiety and struggle to move away from such thoughts and having morning and evening ups and downs is a sign of your sincerity. Such doubts are never to be turned nor given any attention to. Make this point of turning to Allah Most High in repentance, longing, and loving Him, His Noble Book, the beloved sunnas of the Prophet, sending Salawat on the Prophet and intensely loving him (Allah bless and give him peace).
How Can You Get Rid of the After-Effects of Sin?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question and for seeking guidance.
If one sincerely repents and seeks forgiveness from the depth of one’s heart, remorsefully, immediately as one can, with a firm resolve never to return to sin, then the after-effects of sins will not be seen and dwindle, in sha’ Allah. This can be maintained through a purified heart and continuously asking Allah Most High for guidance. See the links below.
One has to intend to purify and rectify one’s heart, and the most important step toward achieving this is to repent and ask for forgiveness sincerely.
How Do I Deal with Doubts regarding Sin?
If you are not reasonably sure or certain that you committed a sin, ignore any such doubts. Many of these types of doubts are unhealthy and tools of Shaytan to lead the Believer to despair.
If you are certain that you committed a major sin (which would not be something obscure as major sins are clear), repent from it and continue to pursue the good pleasure of Allah Most High. Even in the case that you did sin, do not despair.