Knowledge Centre

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Discover the significance of some of the most exquisite poetry and begin learning how to read it correctly.

Including translations, Right pronunciation and video/voice examples
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Learn the meaning of some of the most beatifull Naat's and start learning to read it properly

Including translations, Right pronunciation and video/voice examples
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Learn The meaning of powerful Dua's, and how to read them

Including translations, Right pronunciation by voice or video
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Find our book recomendations and learn knowledge the traditional way.
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Our Articles are written with more depth about several subjects.

Including articles about Faith, Scholars, islamic knowledge and much more.
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Are you unsure about some cases that require a islamic judge's decision?

Our page with answered questions may help you of of your issues In Sha Allah.

Seeking knowledge in the following forms

"Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to walk in one of the paths to Paradise. Indeed the angels will lower their wings in great pleasure with the one who seeks knowledge."
(Sunan Abi Dawud)


A piece of poetry.
Poetry has a lot of knowledge in a few wording.


NAAT is an Arabic word and it means, literally, praise. In Urdu, naat means the praise of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). A poem with praise of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is also called naat in Urdu.


Dua's are the sword of a believer.
Never stop doing dua and learn to make your sword sharper so you could win the fight against Shaytaan.


Articles, Speeches and other Research material based on Prophetic Wisdom and the lives of the Pious Predecessors.


Getting knowledge from books of our predescesors is the most reliable source of knowledge and most steadyfest.

   Ask a Mufti

In the Islamic tradition, a mufti is a professional jurist who interprets Muslim law.